• Question: Will pigs ever fly

    Asked by 326nepk48 to Ed, Kerrianne, Nina, Oli, yoyehudi on 13 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Yo Yehudi

      Yo Yehudi answered on 13 Nov 2017:

      If you put the m in a plane or a catapult, sure…

    • Photo: Kerrianne Harrington

      Kerrianne Harrington answered on 14 Nov 2017:

      Not by themselves. I think they are happy to keep to the earth and the mud 🙂

    • Photo: Oli Wilson

      Oli Wilson answered on 14 Nov 2017:

      Probably not, unless you do the sort of thing Yo suggested (and you’d probably struggle to get ethical permission to do that!)… Humans have spent more than 11,000 years breeding pigs to be meaty and more chilled out than in nature, not to fly; by contrast bats (the only flying mammals) have had 60 million years of evolution to get good at it – if pigs are ever going to fly on their own they’re going to need an awful long time to work out how!
