• Question: Who inspires you?

    Asked by Kace to Oli on 6 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Oli Wilson

      Oli Wilson answered on 6 Nov 2017:

      Great question! One person who inspires me has the brilliant name of Ghillean Prance – or, to give him his full title, Professor Sir Ghillean Tolmie Prance. He’s a bit of a legend. He spent years working in Brazil (where my research is) looking at how local people use their plants (which is what I love), before he became the head of Kew Gardens (potential dream job), and he did all this while being very open about being a Christian (I hope I manage that too). He also has an epic beard, which, if my wife ever lets me, I’d love to copy as well 😉 There’s a little bit about him here (http://www.arocha.org/en/people/ghillean-prance/) or on his wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghillean_Prance)
