• Question: If there was one extinct animal you could bring back from the past what would it be

    Asked by 585nepk47 to Ed, Kerrianne, Nina, Oli, yoyehudi on 8 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Yo Yehudi

      Yo Yehudi answered on 8 Nov 2017:

      As someone born in New Zealand, I think I’ll choose the Moa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moa These were massive flightless birds that lived in New Zealand, until humans arrived and hunted them to extinction >:( us humans have a lot to answer for sometimes.

      Every now and then there’ll be a “moa sighting” in New Zealand – a bit like a yeti sighting, or a ufo sighting, they’re never really proven and probably just done for publicity.

    • Photo: Oli Wilson

      Oli Wilson answered on 8 Nov 2017:

      That’s a great shout by Yo! And what a brilliant question too 🙂 I think I’d choose a South American giant ground sloth, like Megatherium (as big as an elephant) or Lestodon (slightly larger than rhino-size). They were found in the parts of Brazil where I work and only died out 10-12,000 years ago – I’ve seen pollen that’s older than that! I’d love to see what effects they had on the forest and grasslands, and how the plants respond to having them back. It’d also be amazing to watch them making these incredible tunnels that have recently been discovered: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/crux/2017/03/28/paleoburrows-south-america/#.WgOHn3TfWf0

    • Photo: Kerrianne Harrington

      Kerrianne Harrington answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      A T-Rex. But miniatures ones. For pets.
