• Question: does steven hawkens inspire you as a scientist

    Asked by 495nepk36 to Ed, Kerrianne, Oli, yoyehudi on 17 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Oli Wilson

      Oli Wilson answered on 17 Nov 2017:

      Yes, I guess so, but I don’t think about him all that often if I’m honest – he’s not involved in my area of science so I don’t come across any of his research… Obviously how he’s fought his illness is pretty inspirational, but that’s probably just as much on a personal level as on a scientific one. I think he’s just such a next-level genius that I could never hope to replicate it in my own work! My brain simply isn’t good enough. I can’t think thoughts that big, or deep, or wide, or new. And I can’t even properly explain how my brain is inadequate! He’s just too many genius levels above me 🙂
